除了我們的鯨鯊遊覽之外,還有從海灘沿著我們的珊瑚礁浮潛的機會,我們還為那些想探索更遠的礁石的遊客提供浮潛之旅。 這些短途旅行還提供了尋找南阿里環礁全年居民蝠chance的機會。 也期望發現烏龜,鯊魚和豐富的魚類生活。
The reef manta ray is a large animal, but feeds on tiny creatures called plankton. Specifically,...
Turtles were of such a size that the shell of one would suffice to roof a little hut or cot and to...
你想不想在一百萬顆星星之下,在水邊,與大自然融為一體? 在Omadhoo...
A sandbank in fact is not considered an island because it can submerge and emerge based on nature....
Enjoy the sunset while fishing the local way, reel them in with your hand line and bait. It is a...